Thursday, October 16, 2014

SHHO: What Is Going On For Real Tho

In search of further insight into the club, I went over to visit the VT chapter's Facebook page found here: I am not sure who it is maintained by, however it provided some interesting information.

Looking for more knowledge and insightful content, I headed to the VT chapter's website only to run into an almost identical situation as I have found with our chapter (however we don;t have a Facebook page). The account had not posted since February of last year, which strikes me as odd. Someone posted a comment on their page asking when they would be holding a certain event and the account came out of dormancy to reply that the club was on hiatus until further notice. What. So this chapter isn't operating until further notice, have they lost all support? Is it the University's decision? To my surprise I searched for the UV branch of the club and they had posted something as recently as yesterday! It was a feature on a rapper and even beyond that they have been operating consistently for the entire fall term!

Why is there such a disparity in the involvement of each branch of the SHHO? I would like to believe that the central branch at VCU would give other clubs a model to follow and events to plan to help get the club out there and more involved. Why did I choose the SHHO to do my research on is the only question I have left.

1 comment:

  1. Isaac, I'm sorry that your documentary topic has proven so difficult and fruitless to research. Come talk to me if your group decides they would like to switch topics, maybe to something that one of your group members researched prior to the Shark Tank presentations. However, if as a group you feel you can still do a good documentary, then that is still fine as well.
