Thursday, October 2, 2014

The SHHO on Twitter

Reaching in the dark for more information, and with personal contact with members sparse to impossible, I have gone to the official voice of the SHHO here at UK on twitter, though I am unsure on the identity of the moderator, the account can be found here:

The twitter page is very sparsely updated and has been quite inactive since the beginning of the 2014-2015 school year. Diving into later posts, it is shown that the account was quite active last year. Promotions are constantly made for SHHO events, such as a partnership with Late Night Film Series, another on campus organization, in which they present many documentaries pertinent to the hip-hop scene; One of the featured movies was "The Travels of a Tribe Called Quest", whom are a pioneering group of the hip-hop scene for those unaware. Despite my previous assumptions, the account does do its best to promote local talent with many local rappers having their content retweeted or explicitly linked to. One in particular who I have actually heard of, J Cannon, gets a sizable amount of attention from the account which leads me to wonder if he were a member of the club. Lastly, producers get just as much of a shot with a highlight being placed on producer "Montreux" giving a direct link to his soundcloud account.

The twitter page was quite underwhelming based on what I would have wanted to find. This fall seems to be a terrible time to follow the SHHO as they have been grossly inactive, giving me very little material to work with. I would like to know why there is such a disconnect between how the account was last year compared to its current state, as there were many tweets and events going on around the same time. It would be cool to find out what it takes to get a promotion from the page, whether it's based on merit or pure association with the group and their amble nature.

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