A link to Memorial Coliseum's Wikipedia page will be the subject of today's. As per Wikipedia's design, the author is anonymous (I understand legitimacy issues that can arise with Wikipedia, however I've found that places as mundane as Memorial Coliseum are created by credible, to a degree, source whose sole purpose is to convey informative information) and the page can be found at this address: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Memorial_Coliseum_(University_of_Kentucky)
The page goes to show the many uses that Memorial Coliseum has been given throughout the years. It is home to the women's volleyball, gymnastics, and basketball teams, as well as having a rich history hosting the men's basketball team before the conception of Rupp Arena. Under the surface of the athletic side of the stadium, I found it interesting to find out about whom it was built in memory of. According to the official website for the Coliseum, it was built in memorial to all of the Kentuckians who died during WWI, WWII, and the Korean War. Later on, the names of those Kentuckians killed in the Vietnam War were added to the list of those honored. Refocusing on the athletic side of the coliseum, it was witness to the rising prestige of the Kentucky men's basketball program, seeing the team win the national championship in 1951 and 1958. Recently it has been home to some fairly successful women's basketball teams in those of 2012-2013 and 2013-2014.
This source gives a good summary of what the Coliseum is home to and what it stands for on a metaphorical level, however it leaves much to be desired as a candidate for a documentary. It might be harsh to go ahead and throw out it out as a possibility, as I could easily delve deeper into the history of the men;s basketball team playing in the building, yet this wouldn't be anything new or breathtaking as there are hundreds of sports documentaries out there in the world, and it doesn't excite me as much as a writer to rehash something that has surely been done an innumerable amount of times.
Isaac, wikipedia is a good source to go to when beginning research on a topic. Although I wouldn't allow it to be one of your sources in a Works Cited for your final project, it is an acceptable starting point for these research blog posts. I'm glad that you are exploring many different topics and being critical as you reflect on their appeal for documentaries. You should try to find something that interests you and that seems like a potentially new documentary topic.